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Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Untitled-1-24


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Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Untitled-1-24


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 Hosting Dota for Windows 7

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Join date : 2010-10-12

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Empty
PostSubject: Hosting Dota for Windows 7   Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 1:00 pm

go to your Start Menu >> Control Panel >> System and Security >> Windows Firewall.

Now, Allow your Warcraft III(PldtPlay). follow the steps below.

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Wb9lhl

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 19b1l

Done, your warcraft is now added to your firewall.

Next: Adding 6112 port to TCP

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 30kaygz

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 20jnv9i

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Iwr9fs

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Rkzhw9

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Hw06wz

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 2962p9d

Okay, Done with your TCP now, next lets put 6112 at your UDP same step like the TCP.

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 30kaygz

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 20jnv9i

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 2q3dy6h

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Rkzhw9

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 Hw06wz

Hosting Dota for Windows 7 2mlgd4

Done with the UDP.

now your going to add port 6112 in your router.
"Starting Port 6112 End Port 6112. Then put the correct IP/LAN IP Address and Check Enable."

Choose your router here -> Click HERE

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